Activity History For  Berkana    ProSkill  1107 
Activity TypeDateProSkillTop TimePosition
Online Booking - Kart 45 2/14/2025 6:00 PM 1111 (-4)49.714 2nd
Online Booking - Kart 43 2/14/2025 5:36 PM 1152 (-41)55.406 6th
Online Booking - Kart 45 2/18/2023 2:36 PM 1235 (-75)43.783 9th
Online Booking - Kart 41 2/18/2023 3:12 PM 1160 (-8)34.582 7th
DS Open Racing - Kart 44 2/12/2023 10:40 AM 1210 (25)39.298 2nd
DS Follow the Leader - Kart 40 2/12/2023 10:20 AM 1225 (-15)49.072 3rd
DS Follow the Leader - Kart 40 2/12/2023 10:00 AM 1200 (25)81.671 1st