Activity History For  Champ    ProSkill  1250 
Activity TypeDateProSkillTop TimePosition
Online Booking - Kart 42 12/3/2023 1:12 PM 1236 (11)35.131 4th
Online Booking - Kart 15 12/3/2023 1:48 PM 1247 (3)32.951 4th
Online Booking - Kart 1 10/15/2023 12:12 PM 1259 (-23)32.924 6th
Online Booking - Kart 1 10/15/2023 11:48 AM 1271 (-12)32.428 5th
Online Booking - Kart 42 10/15/2023 11:24 AM 1274 (-3)33.568 5th
DS Open Racing - Kart 45 10/15/2023 11:00 AM 1250 (24)33.410 1st
DS Follow the Leader - Kart 44 10/15/2023 10:36 AM 1225 (25)46.747 1st
DS Follow the Leader - Kart 45 10/15/2023 10:12 AM 1200 (25)286.675 2nd