Activity History For  The amazing chase    ProSkill  989 
Activity TypeDateProSkillTop TimePosition
Online Booking - Kart 41 8/18/2024 12:36 PM 1046 (-57)35.646 10th
Online Booking - Kart 44 8/18/2024 11:36 AM 1131 (-45)36.375 7th
Online Booking - Kart 45 8/18/2024 12:12 PM 1086 (-40)35.617 7th
DS Open Racing - Kart 40 8/18/2024 11:00 AM 1153 (-22)36.994 4th
DS Follow the Leader - Kart 44 8/18/2024 10:36 AM 1165 (-12)44.628 4th
DS Follow the Leader - Kart 40 8/18/2024 10:12 AM 1200 (-35)94.908 5th