Activity History For  Havana    ProSkill  1245 
Activity TypeDateProSkillTop TimePosition
Online Booking - Kart 12 2/9/2025 1:36 PM 1205 (5)38.058 1st
Online Booking - Kart 44 2/9/2025 1:12 PM 1205 (0)39.123 4th
Online Booking - Kart 5 2/9/2025 2:36 PM 1210 (35)35.914 2nd
DS Open Racing - Kart 40 9/29/2024 11:48 AM 1210 (-5)36.506 4th
DS Follow the Leader - Kart 40 9/29/2024 11:00 AM 1235 (-25)47.800 5th
DS Follow the Leader - Kart 40 9/29/2024 10:48 AM 1200 (35)56.457 2nd